Y'all are gonna have to understand the difference between homo club movies
(vintage race films) and homo movies (the kind you seem to prefer).
"Like gladiator movies?"
As winter sets in, I'm once again bummed about the nearly total Nascar
content on the Speed channel. It used to be such a wonderful source for
vintage race footage, and many informative shows with diverse content.
I've got some film footage (somewhere) of the early Road America races held
on the town streets. I've got Donald & Geoff Healey's home movies... given
to me years ago by Geoff for the Healey Sportsboat content... since he knew
I had one. Those films provided much of the vintage footage of the original
Special Test car, NOJ 391 when I put together the "Just in Time" video.
I've got a really fantastic collection of the 1965 and 1966 SCCA race
seasons throughout the Midwest, at tracks long since gone, such as Wilmot,
Meadowdale, Lyndale Farms, etc. Other tracks such as Grattan, Road America,
etc. also appear. Seeing them in their mid-sixties form is great.
I'm always trying to add to the collection when time and opportunity allow.
I get a kick out of bad 50's and early 60's car movies... with typical
Hollywood stereotypical "hell bent teenagers". (Of course the chicks in the
tight sweaters that made them look like '59 Cadillac bumpers help to allow
you to disregard bad plots.)
"Winning", "LeMans", and "Grand Prix" are always interesting to watch.
In all my nearly 50 years, I've never had a decent shop to work in.
Certainly never had one with heat and decent lighting. I am so jazzed about
working on my stuff at the Dream Farm, I can hardly stand it. Larry Daniels
and I were just marveling at how much easier it's made our tasks. I've found
a local source that will media blast & sandblast a Sprite tub for $250...
and for just a little more, epoxy primer it.
SOS was just one example of how Nancy and I like to share our fortunate
circumstances. She's making plans for a gardening club that will take the
Dream Farm's crops of vegetables such as tomatoes and asparagus, and our
strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, and plums to local food banks.
So, bottom line... when you get an invitation to join us for SOS at the
farm, or to join the Thicko party at vintage races, it is quite sincere. We
have far more fun than we should, and we like to share it.
Even for you that prefer homo movies over homo club movies.
-----Original Message-----
From Robert E. Shlafer [mailto:pilotrob at webtv.net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:55 AM
To: Frank Clarici; Wm.Severin Thompson
Cc: 'Spridgets'
Subject: Re: Speaking of Movies
With respect, Mr. C. ......
you are mixing apples and oranges.
Your nephew's use of the garage is motivated by different reasons than
or mine. His use has nothing to do with
working on cars.
In his case, he's obviously "coping". His
garage is his "crib" in terms of avoiding an
alternate reality. His abuse (as opposed to "use") of alcohol is further
behaviour in this respect.
Hopefully, WST will also realize the foregoing and continue his plans to
provide a superior audio/visual experience
for his mates in viewing serious homo movies during their breaks from
automotive labor.
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog