Remember. the Dream Farm is only about 6 miles form the EAA museum. so you
aeronautical minded folks could combine the SOS trip with a visit to the
We have plenty of room for campers here. If the weather's warm, the Thicko
Palace stays about 20 degrees cooler on a hot day. Also, there is a "real"
campground just down the road.
From midgetsprite at [] On
Behalf Of Jim Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:47 AM
To: Larry Daniels
Subject: [midgetsprite] Re: Bugeye Group..... RE: SOS '05 wrap up
I have a number of things that need work on my Midget...
Projects is not a problem!!
Jim - he of the inert Midget in Dodge City
P.S. If we do it in summer, we can always spread some
oil in places on the go-cart track just for Larry.
On 11/29/05, Larry Daniels <> wrote:
> I'd vote for a summer SOS. We need projects, though. Somebody must have
> something to work on.
> But I'd prefer the cold, icy, slippery go-cart track. ;-)))
> --
> 1964 R60/2
> 1968 MG Midget
> 1976 R90/6
> 1990 K100LT
> **Don't underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.**