Yep, they can be found... it's just getting anything of size on e-bay gets
expensive to ship... so local finds are great.
Of all the stuff I've got, including tube stuff, my favorite power amp is a
McIntosh MC3200... solid state, with cabling inside large enough to jump
start a truck, and when you turn it up, the neighborhood lights dim.
I think it weighs about as much at a 948... about 145 lbs (obligatory LBC
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at []
On Behalf Of chuck
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 6:36 PM
To: 'Spridgets'
Subject: Re: GM going down, WITH LEC content
Got two pair of AR 2ax acoustic suspension speakers. Been re-coned
twice and going strong. American made, by the way. They will outlast
I've seen several pair of nice Advents in local thrift shops, some with
new surrounds already applied.
Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>Hardest thing is to find decent vintage speakers, and when you do, shipping
>costs for the giant muthas are enormous.