Billy Zoom wrote:
>>They arrived yesterday, and they are
>>beautiful. They didn't look that good when the car was new!
>So you don't actually know if they'll run yet?
Nope. Not to that point, yet. But I am ever the optimist. And
besides, when Ian Foster gave me a tour of the plant, the workmen had
the look of the traditional English craftsman you always read about. In
the case of some, complete with work aprons AND neckties! Toiling at
their workbenches, they just gave me an incredible sense of confidence
of their work.
>Was it expensive?
It came to #136 each, or a total of #272, for a total and complete
rebuild, including the replacement of all the innards, regardless of any
wear. Shipping was #15 air parcel post. Because they were shipped out
of the country, there was no VAT, and there is no import duty because
they were returning my parts.)
>Do they have plastic floats now?
Now, Billy, if you think I am going to take them apart to find out, you
must think I am dumber than I know I am.
Burlen also has a 200+ page SU Reference Catalogue detailing
applications from as far back as 1930, and an SU Workshop Manual with 84
[ages pf
"know how, fitting and tuning advice". When I got mine seveal years
ago, it came with coupons good for money off orders.
Incidently, if anyone is interested in going to the Beaulieu Autojumble
in May, Ian said he would be delighted to give any visiting Yanks a tour
of the company (they manufacture and totally rebuild all SU's as well as
Zenith's. If anyone wants more information, check out their web site at , or e-mail them at
<> with "For Ian Foster" in the subject line.
Buster Evans