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Re: One of the BEST I have ever seen!! non-adult

To: Dave Yealy <lbc@littlebitcountry.com>, willy1959@gmail.com
Subject: Re: One of the BEST I have ever seen!! non-adult
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 09:48:52 GMT jAO9nTZu027388
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net
It IS unreal, isn't it?!!!

What a show! A fully aerobatic B-29!!! I love
the sound of those four engines, man.

The flying skill is just fantastic. Can you
imagine the man-hours that went into the
B-29, not to mention the show, itself??

Quite a production! Beautiful job, all
around! :):)

Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog 

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