Similar wishes to all from me as well. Unfortunately I'm on the other side
of the world right now. I found out last Friday that I had to be in South
Africa this week! Talk about advance notice... :) I guess I'll have to try
and find somewhere that serves turkey tomorrow to eat. Maybe wildebeest or
zebra would be a good substitute... :) Everyone have a great Thanksgiving!
Greg Gowins
'69 Sprite
Dublin, CA
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at []
On Behalf Of Paul Asgeirsson
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:30 PM
Subject: Thanksgiving
All have a great Thanksgiving weekend. I'm off to Seattle for the next few
days and will be missing all the chatter and Floundervision. Withdrawal
symptoms coming up!
Best to all, Paul A