We are going through hell right now with a customer of
some 10 cent parts (like the metal cans of radio
shack-like capcitors) over something called the
"specialty metal clause" which is part of the Buy
American Act. The intent of the act is to increase
U.S. manufacturing. There are many metals that are
mandated to us in specifications that are not mined in
the US anymore. So, the act actually says you can buy
metals poured or mined in a foreign country if they
are installed/improved in an approved country on a
list of 25 or so. The U.S. is not one of those
countries. So I can buy a bearing race if it is
poured in taiwan and machined in Singapore, but i
can't buy one poured in Taiwan and machined in
America. Somehow a team of idiots determined that
this adds jobs in America. And we elected those
idiots. Making us....
--- Paul Asgeirsson <pasgeirsson@worldnet.att.net>
> Here in Portland Oregon, we're a major auto port,
> mostly import. But Honda
> Accords, in the high end trim, leather, deluxe other
> stuff and RHD are a
> significant export to Japan!! Marysville made cars.
> Is that "Coals to Newcastle" or what? Strange world
> at times.
> Paul A
Ron Soave
"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work....I want to achieve it
through not dying." - Woody Allen
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