Hi, Ben:-- don't know the weight offhand, but believe it or not, I
pulled/slid my BE project shell off the trailer onto my homemade Dolly by
myself. I later lifted shell on/off trailer for trip to paint stripper with
one partner (without bonnet) I coerced a younger, stronger man to lift the
rear end and I handled the front. After experiencing the ease with two
people, I won't try it solo again, but think 3 guys would be ideal-one in
front and two in back-
Ed Townley
Southern NM, USA
64 BJ8 (Healeymonster)
59 AN5 (Horny Toad)
55 FX3 Austin Taxi (Nigel)
59 AN5 right hand drive project-no name yet.
Ben Willis said:
>I am in the finish stages of my Sprite strip. The suspension comes off
today so I need to >build a dolly soon. Maybe someone out there can help me
with a few questions I have.
>What is the rough weight of a stripped mk1 shell?
>How many guys will it take to lift the shell onto a trailer for the trip to
the paint >stripper? Any tips on the lifting process?