A lot more lbc parts perhaps, but I think as a country, we export more than
we import. To which countries, I'm not sure. I think that we also export a
lot more raw product than finished goods.
The 'looney' I could see somehow, but the 'toonie' was downright silly.
Thank goodness they didn't call it a 'beary'!
( Looney is a one dollar coin with a picture of a loon on the back. A
tooney is a two dollar coin with one or more bears on the back. )
-----Original Message-----
> Welcome to my life. Almost anything 'spridget' comes from the US or the
> UK.
> I try to get everything sent by post to avoid the UPS fiasco. And, then
> there's still duty.
Good point, Robert. Of course, a LOT more goods normally migrate north to
Canada than south from Canada. At least you folks are used to it ;-)
Yes, I now feel your pain. It is also nice not to have to pay for things
with loonie-toonie money ;-)