> Is there more to this than I am seeing? I am always learning!
Nope, that is pretty much it. The benefit to esnipe is that you do not have
to be there at the very end to do the actual bidding, esnipe does it for
you. If I did more on ebay, I would use it, too. Can you still lose to a
manual bidder like myself? Yup!
It is amazing how many people will bid with over an hour left to go. All you
accomplish by doing that is to drive the price up. From the buyer's
perspective, the best thing to do is to wait until the last few seconds of
the auction and bid your maximum at that time. As I said before, if your
maximum gets outbid, you didn't want it as much as the other guy or it
wasn't your REAL maximum. silly you. Most of what you see is just posturing.
The serious folks do not show their cards until the end of the hand.