In my experience, those "stuttering movements accompanied my small noises" came
from a cable that was in dire need of some lubrication. According to the
Austin-Healey Sprite Series AN5 Workshop Manual (Austin Motor Company Ltd):
"Unscrew the speedometer and tachometer drive cable outer casings
from the instrument head. Extract their inner cables and lubricate
sparingly with grease to Ref. C. OIL MUST NOT BE USED. After
replacing each cable in its outer housing withdraw the upper end
approximately 8 in. (20 cm.) and wipe off the surface crease before
reconnecting to the instrument head." (Emphasis added)
Ref. C: Duckham's L.B 10, Castrolease L.M., Esso Multipurpose
Grease H, Mobilgrease M.P., Shell Retinax A, Energrease L.2, Super
Lithium Filtrate Grease, Ambroline L.H.T. (I wonder how many, if any
of these are still made?)
Note that it never says anything about lubricating the instrument itself.
Buster Evans