LOL! Ain't that the truth!!
Managed to scrape up all the nuts and stuff from other old dead engines and
boxes laying around. Better prices than new, just all dirty!
Paul A
----- Original Message -----
From "Rick & Carolyn" <wrongwayricky at>
To: "Paul Asgeirsson" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh
> Hi Paul,
> I've have the sure way to find that box.
> First list everything that was in the box on a paper.
> Call up and get the prices.
> Place the order for all the parts on your list plus some.
> This is a sure fire way to find them. BTW did I mention that it is also
very expensive to do it this way and it only works after you have installed
all the new ordered parts.
> Good luck
> Wrongway Ricky
> 60 Frog eye "Puddles"
> 52 MGTD "Sparky"