Hi Guys,
You wouldn't like the housing cost or cost of living out here any ways.
Frankly, I don't know how my kids are going to afford a house out here. We
just kind of lucked out and bought at the right time. Although we scrimped and
saved for quite a while too. Get this, our housing went from 150k to 350k in
two years. That's great if you already own one but sucks if you don't.
The nice thing about CA is the fresh veggies and fruit all year long. There is
always something in season, we don't get but three frost a year. Most of the
time it's in the 60s al winter long.
I feel for y'all back there though, born in PA and grew up out here. We lived
there three years as I went through school. I remember the cold and shoveling
the snow out of my 200' drive, only to have that D*nm snowplow put a ridge my
Jeep wouldn't hardly climb.
One thing I remember was hearing the locals all complain about the cold all the
time. I got so fed up after hearing it for 3 months, I looked over at them and
ask "Why don't you move if you hate it so much." I'll never forget their
dumbfondled reply "where will I go?" Like it's this way everywhere.
We were looking at Colorado in the future as a possible retirement place. So
how is the weather in Colorado?
Wrongway Ricky
60 Frog eye "Puddles"
52 MGTD "Sparky"