I go in under the exahust manifold from the back. Best thing that works
for me is a Gear Wrench or other ratching open end wrench. I have a set
of Craftsman ratching box end wrenchs that are the bomb. They are angled
like your typical box end with a little lever to change directions. The
Gear Wrenches are flat and you flip them over to change direction. They
are not very sturdy, either.
Otherwise it takes for-e-ver to turn those nuts from the top with a
standard box or open end.
On Sat, 12 Nov 2005 12:58:41 EST KrkLH@cs.com writes:
> HI all -
> I am pulling my SU's off to throw in a Moss rebuild kit. Them back
> lower
> nuts that help secure the carbs to the manifold are under the carbs
> below and
> behind - they look like they are not that easy to get too. Any
> ideas in terms of
> tools that I might use? I was thinking of bending an open end
> wrench to get
> back around in there to undo the bolts.
> Thanks!
> Kirk