Thanks for the reply! Pity you were not the cop that came to that accident
scene, years ago!
JLC in Lakeside, CA
----- Original Message -----
Buster wrote:
> Jacques Le Clainche wrote:
>> A few years after I came to the states, my wife's car was hit in
>> El Cajon, CA, by a motorcyclist who was "splitting lane" (legal in
>> CA), attempting to pass her on the right (he was going straight)
>> as she was turning right into a store driveway. She had her turn
>> signals on.
> It does not make any difference if she had her turn indicators on, for
> your wife was as innocent as innocent can be. The California Vehicle
> Code is explicit in that ANYONE passing on the right in an unmarked
> lane if guilty of unsafe passing if they are in an accident. Period.
> End of argument. Don't even think of pleading not guilty!!!
>> As the motorcyclist said he was unhurt, the policeman refused to
>> write a report.
> The cop should be fired! He is required to write a report if either
> party demands them, or if there is an obvious violation. (He cannot
> issue a citation at the scene because it did not happen in his presence,
> but the citation and complaint is to be made after investigation by a
> stupidvisor.
>> The motorcyclist had a license but admitted he had no insurance,
>> right in front of the policeman. I don't know if the policeman
>> could have, but he did not cite the motorcyclist. He did not
>> check the tags on the motorcycle either. The policeman told my
>> wife and the motorcyclist to exchange cards with details, and that
>> was it!
> Again, he should be fired for laziness. Ooooops, police unions will
> not stand for firing for laziness! Not only could he cite the
> motorcyclist, he could have and should have impounded the motorcycle!
>> Our insurance (State Farm) first said they would rather pay off
>> the motorcyclist than fight the case!
> And THAT is exactly what encourages such frivilous lawsuits and costs
> all of us money! Until companies and insurance companies get the
> gumption to fight unscrupulous lawsuits, they will continue to
> proliferate and the innocent policy holders will have to pay the price!
> (The insurance companies don't lose money. They just pass the costs
> on to the policy holders!)