Bob wrote: Maybe that is because we expect our machines [Macs] to work :-)
Well, for sure Windows machines have problems... but so do Macs! My first
Mac was a 1995 LC80 (not quite sure I remember the model right!) desktop...
never worked right! It was one of the million or so computers Apple
manufactured in the mid-90s with faulty motherboards. Between 1999 and 2001,
I ordered some 400+ computers for my school - about 350 Dells, the rest
Macs. No choice there, as the district had only contracts with those two
Dells came with problems for sure, notably faulty video cards and a
batch of overheating laptops... but so did the Macs.... they froze, crashed
(usually memory problems), and some of our iMacs did not work for long! Out
of the last four Mac PowerBooks I ordered in 2001, three came dead in the
box! I was told this was an aberration, but it did happen.
I still use both Mac and Windows computers, by the way - and my Dell
Inspiron beats the socks off my Mac iBook - unfair comparison, as the Dell
was a lot more expensive though! The main advantage I see in Macs nowadays
is that there are very few virus attacks on them. They might also be better
suited for video editing, as they come with the software loaded -
which is why I am presently considering buying a MiniMac.