Many things work on my rebuilt/rewired bugeye, although I haven't driven
it yet. Decided the rear lamps were just too grungy to re-use so
ordered all new ones and they haven't arrived yet.
I just got the right-hand wiper assembly reversed (my wiper blades would
both start on the outside and swing toward each other, instead of moving
in tandem).
But the wiper motor isn't working. The switch is ok. The wiring to the
motor has power. I had to guess which terminal was which, however,
because the old wires were too greasy to recognize colors anymore.
So can someone elnlighten me as to the proper wire color/terminal on the
wiper motor in a bugeye?
I'm pretty sure the "flat" terminal is the black/ground. The wiring
diagram lists the two post terminals as "1" and "3" but, of course, I
can't make out any such markings on the motor.
Chas Douglass