OK, after having put to rest the recent SOS name dust up (ok by me if you
use the name. but I'll reveal in a separate, and likely long winded mail as
to why someone thought there might be a problem with it.) to bed, I'd like
to report some progress in the SOS '05 efforts.
Progress on the Dream Farm shop and my final move from the land of FIBS
(f'ing Illinois bastards, as WI folks refer to us as) to becoming a full
fledged Cheesehead have progressed. While the Thicko shop will in no way be
near its final configurations (still designing that 100 sq ft slot car track
that will drop down via winch from the wall ;) ) it will be in fine shape
for hosting this year's efforts.
The first of the SOS victi. I mean. projects have arrived, as Larry "Dr.
Fine" Daniels and I loaded up his 72 Midget and bugeye on trailers this am
and brought them over from Oshkosh (by gosh). We're going to do floor pans
and any other panel welding that the car might need. A quick inspection
revealed the 72 might be too nice to cannibalize. we'll take a closer look
at it in the coming weeks. (I think if you're into the later, smog era cars,
a round arch split bumper is cool. )
Larry has also offered to sponsor a meal, and we'll be serving up animal
sacrifices/burnt offerings of the Angus steak kind, thanks to Larry.
Attendance looks a little heavier for Sat. than Fri., but please make plans
to be here, even if only for one of the two days.
Those folks needing a place to stay overnight, please start piping up about
it now, so we can get our poop grouped here.
The SOS "Floundervision" camera on Yahoo Messenger has been on occasionally
lately. checking the connection speeds and lighting and camera angles. If
you see us "on", pop in and say hey.