Doing a valve job on FROG AYE. I noticed that the timing gear on the cam
shaft had some pieces broken out of it. I think a DPO or mechanic put it
together that way.) No problem, I htought, I'll just use the one from my
1098 that's going to be rebuilt anyway. There was no lock tab on the engine
in FROG AYE but the 1098 had a lock tab on it. Shoul;d I use the lock tab
or not?
Also some confusion about the orientation of the oil thrower. My own
perverted logic tells me it should go so that the cup opens towards the back
of the engine, and I think that's how it was, but little seeds of doubt have
germinated im the fertile soil in my head. Which way?
Can't locate my shop manual after the move. Can someone give me torque
specs on the timing gear and the harmonic balancer?