True, true, sir....
"Hoping" never DID anything for anybody
however in this case there is a chance of
success, however slight...and most especially
"slight" considering we definitely have coolant already flowing between
But, a chance nontheless. Thus, going "forward"rather than going "backward" at
this point,
seems indicated.
Which is not to say success WILL prevail.
Now Dan...understand that you MAY also
have coolant leaking INTO the motor. And
I think this is what WST is probably thinking
So keep the revs down (assume you
aren't breaking in a new cam?) and check
the water sitting in the rad once the motor
warms up to the extent the thermostat should be open.....hopefully, no "bubbles"
in the coolant. 'Cause if compression is
"escaping" into the cooling system, it's
a fair bet it could be the other way 'round
to one extent or another.
Keep us posted.
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog