it is interesting getting a police
officer's point of view on things. I've
enjoyed your posts on the subject.
I have only once ever been stopped by an
officer when I wasn't doing anything wrong.
I was about 18 driving my '56 MGA. Officer
checked my papers, handed them back and
told me to have a nice day. Found out later
he knew my Dad (they went to school together) but never figured out why
he stopped me.
Any other time I've been stopped (very rare
occurrence) the officer had cause (and I
knew it). I cannot understand people who
give policemen a hard time. I will never
understand this. Sure, maybe a cop stopped
or ticketed me for something petty but
just as often it's been the other way 'round
and I've been allowed to go my merry way
with a verbal and/or written warning only.
All and all I can honestly say I've been fairly
treated except in one instance in New York
wherein I was definitely entrapped. THIS one I went to court on....the officer
show and since it wasn't a serious offense,
the matter got dropped. No harm done.
Cap'n Bob
Basic (mostly law-abiding:) Frog