I've just looked at the Sprite/Midget CD. It has:-
6 pages on adjusting SU carbs
2 pages on Armstrong Shocks - a diagram and blurb that isn't really very good.
4 pages of fault diagnosis
225 pages of The Workshop Manual - Sprite ll & lll Midget l & ll
(Part # AKD 4021 B which also replaces AKD 1775 B and AKD 1834B
13 pages of Stromberg and /SU carb info, including diagrams etc.
Just so that there is no misunderstanding, I'm not trying to sell
these things, just let people know that there might be an alternative
to the more expensive one, should anyone be interested, but deterred
by the price. Referring to the 'we tight' principle. It really
looks as if it has all been copied from original sources. Not sure
how that works with copyright and the like.
When I tried to do a word search on the pages, I came up with
........ nothing, so i guess you can't search.
At 07:54 19/10/05, Jay Fishbein wrote:
>The British Leyland CD's from the Heritage Centre include:
>Parts publications
>Workshop Manuals
>Owners literature
>SU Carburetors Parts Book
>jay fishbein
>wallingford, ct
Fisher or Elizabeth Jones
Comfort, TX
"A Gentleman does not motor about after dark." Joseph Lucas, 1923