It seems to me that when you pay a fee to be in a car show, you are NOT
giving money to a cause. I expect that you are paying for the cost of
buying the dash plaques, the trophies, the postage, the insurance, the park
commission fees, blah, blah, etc, etc. The price to get into the show
could be less than the cost of the gas to get there, these days. And then
when you walk around and inspect all those cars like yours, and discover how
someone did something or fixed something faster/cheaper/better than you
thought of, how could it not be worth it? And regarding those folks without
a car, they are no doubt 95% friends and family of those with the cars, and
maybe a stray person who is thinking of getting into the LBC hobby. Who
else would even know, or care, that the show exists?
> but paying money to show MY car, after the hard
> work, and $$ "I" have put into it just goes against me..
> think about it. Its STUPID
> you pay TWICE
> the people that come without a car for free, are the cheapskates.