Hello GUY,
i usually do, but the break this time wouldn't be fixed by
that.. it at the point where the heater hose extension goes
into the main down pipe... .. but yes.. i do carry emergency
supplies and tools... i SHOULD get that fan belt tho, you're
GD> Bill,
GD> Why don't you carry a roll of 'gaffer' tape (or whatever you want
GD> to call it) to provide a temporary cure for these hiccups. That,
GD> a fan belt, screwdriver and hammer provide a basic toolkit. You
GD> could go up-market and carry a length of wire and a pair of pliers
GD> as well but it's becoming a tad professional..... <VBG>
GD> Guy R Day
GD> Bill L <pythias@pacifier.com> wrote:
GD> Hello ,
GD> Dumb me... it was the RADIATOR HOSE, not the heater hose. same
GD> result.. loss of coolant! and yes, it's gotten me home everytime
GD> but ONE, when it suffered a relapse. ..
Best regards,
Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com