I disconnected the crankcase vent hose from the intake tube while installing
my Weber today. Do I need to reuse the valve unit or can I vent the canister
hose directly to the air filter?
The valve must have been plugged because I was blowing oil out the dipstick
tube. What a mess. Anyway the valve looks ok and opens when I blow air thru
it now but I don't want that happening when I'm in the car and unable to
notice it.
Can crankcase pressure get high enough to push the dipstick tube out. Mine
was pushed out some.
I have the Weber almost set up. Timing is good mixture screw about right.
The only thing out of spec is I need to have the idle screw in more than
recommended to hold idle. I have two more steps of idle jets to try but do I
need to change them if idle is Ok? I have a 286 cam and it always needed a
little more extra adjustment to idle well. Thanks everyone.
Phil Nase
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