1098 carbs should have little tags on the float bowls that are stamped
AUD 136 (F = front, R = rear)
Measure the throat of the carb, it should be 1.25"
If it's 1 1/8", it's from a 948.
1.25 is late 948s thru 1275. Different needles are the only change and
are available in what ever specified carb kit you order.
So you can switch needles from a 1.25 948 carb and use it on a 1275.
Later emission carbs used a "swing" needle so if your carb needles
wiggle in their sockets, they are swing needles, 1968 thru 74, again
they will work fine on a 1098.
If your carbs measure 1.50 or larger across the throat, they could be
from an MGB, or who knows, even a Volvo.
If you can email me the aud # on the float tag, I can look up the carb app.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ