Bottom line - the rules were there a long time before this 'problem'.
Once you enter a competitive situation the rules should be in force, and
not changed for that event, during that event.
OK, some rules are stupid (I can't buy a college football player a
hamburger), but they are the rules.
Play the game, then work to change the rules that are having a detrimental
effect on the sport.
Michelin and the teams that use those tires knew the rules (or chose to
ignore them) a long time ago - no sympathy here for the result in points
standing for the drivers and the teams that may have suffered.
The big losers are the fans who paid BIG BUCKS to see a very much flawed
racing event. The only recourse, as I see it, is to reject F1 racing until
they get the point.
It's the paying public - STUPID!
Of course, I'd like to see Danika in a white outfit; you know, that white