Last set I bought about the same time went for $25 a piece. That
was then and you can't get 145 size tires anywhere right now. I'd say
put them on eBay.
Mike MacLean
60 Sprite
56 BN2
Greg Higgins wrote:
>I have 5 brand new Dunlop SP20 145-R13 tires I would like to sell.
>I bought them about 3 or 4 years ago, and have stored them in a dark, dry cool
>place, my basement.
>The problem is I suffer from C.R.S. (can't remember sh$t) and don't recall
>what I paid for the tires.
>I phoned several Dunlop dealers, they have no listing for the tires.
>What is a fair price for the tires?
>Thanks for any info
>Greg Higgins
>63 sprite
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