Allow me a brief recollection. Myself and 5 others restored a B-25J for
the EAA. 1 night a week and Saturdays for 14 years. It took awhile to
get parts. Even Ed would have had a difficult time for some of the
parts! It was Barbara Hutton's gift to her Latin boytoy and the /Berlin
Express/ from "Catch 22" in which it was actually used as 2 different
planes being painted as such on it's two sides. 400 gallons of
methylene chloride it took to remove 7 layers of paint and interior
insulation. Anyway, we put on a half ring manifold on the top 9
cylinders and the bottom 9 got stub stacks. At run-up it sounded like 9
Big Bored-out Harleys! Shook like it too! What a feeling. BTW,
B17's are down right quiet by comparison but that's another story.
Hope you enjoy the flights!! Hope you get some stick time.
59 :{)
59 MGA 1500
conan wrote:
> You want rough sounding? Try a B-25 with the early exhaust system. :-)
> :-) :-)