The link does not seem to work.
----- Original Message -----
From "David Lieb" <dbl at>
To: "Spridget List" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 1:03 PM
Subject: Chichak Electronic Distributor
>I do not know how many of you have been watching the progress on the
> electronic distributor that Marcel Chichak of Mini renown has been
> developing, but it is now on the shelves at $425 (Canadian, I think). Here
> is the announcement I received:
> Thank you for your interest and support during development of the 123/Mini
> distributor. The product is now ready for sale! Please go to our website
> to learn all about the features. There is a link to
> place an order with our sales partner Classic Motor Works.
> I would appreciate it if you could forward the following information on to
> the various message groups and mail lists you belong to since getting the
> word out would help us tremendously:
> The 123/Mini distributor is a fully electronic distributor designed
> specifically for BMC/Leyland A series engines to replace antiquated and
> worn out Lucas distributors. This brand new product has 16 user selectable
> ignition advance curves, is a straight fit requiring no modifications at
> all and is an easy plug-and-play installation. Please visit
> for details and ordering information.
> Thanks!!!
> TDC Engineering
> Marcel Chichak
> Edmonton Alberta Canada
> +1 780 415 1013
> No financial interest, etc, but it is an interesting bit of kit with
> solid-state vacuum advance, 16 switch-selectable advance curves, Bosch cap
> and rotor, etc.
> Hey Willy, any bets as to whether BEB will carry them ;-)
> David Lieb
> 1972 RWA Midget