I replaced the aftermarket wheel that was on my Bugeye with a stock wheel.
The stock wheel slid over the splines nice and easy. Now I want to pull it off
again to re-positiion it and it won;t budge. I tried a puller that grips
around the back of the wheel hub, but it is a cheesy puller and as such it
to fall to the side when I crank down on it. If I kept on using it I would
also begin to damage the back side of the collar of the stock wheel - so I had
to ditch that idea.
I shot the splines or spline area with a good does of penetrant and will wait
till later before I have another go at it.
What kind of puller or pulling device works best for this? Obviously the
splines on the stock wheel are built in such a way that they tighten up as they
slide over the steering wheel shaft (unlike the aftermarket "go cart" type
wheel that I took off).
It feels like it is on for keeps - and to add, I did not force the stock
steering wheel over the shaft with a mallet or anything - I gently put it on.
course the bolt and washer took care of really causing the wheel and the shaft
to form a bond.
Any help is certainly appreciated!
Kirk Hargreaves
59 Bugeye with vomit yelllow paint