> Man, what a mean thing to say about pigs.
Ain't that the truth!!! What was Pontiac thinking? It is also amazing that
the Buick Rendezvous, based on the same platform manages NOT to be
completely offensive. I guess Pontiac was really trying to do everything
wrong... sort of a corporate Harikiri (or however you choose to spell the
Japanese term for ritual self-disembowelment).
Speaking of Japanese terms, yes, "Miata" is a Japanese word referring to the
feeling of oneness between horse and rider. You know, that feeling you have
when driving your Spridget and you only have to think about where you want
to go without any conscious effort of turning the wheel, shifting the gears,
pressing the accelerator, just instinctively doing the necessary to
accomplish the desired. I guess that is why the MazdaSpeed edition does NOT
actually say "Miata" on it ;-)
David Lieb