"Illegal immigration"
There will always be mistakes. No system is
perfect. But there is simply no excuse for
the government's faillure to follow it's own
immigration laws while it pays "lip service"
to this issue.
We have a National Guard and one of it's
mandates is to protect WE, THE PEOPLE in
a time of need. I should think Global Terrorism fits this category considering
damage done "9/11" and the proliferation
of chemical, biological WMD, not to mention Soviet nuclear "suitcase" bombs,
some of which have gone missing it seems.
I'll tell you one thing....if there are sleeper
cells or such threats crossing our Southern
Border, it will be our own ineffective government that enables the next strike.
You can blame others and accept any type
of excuse you damn well choose to "buy"
as voiced from our crumby "pols".....but I
damn well know better.
The issue is not at all complicated or
complex...not one damn bit. The priorities
are obvious to any thinking, logical adult
mind. The fact is our government is
irresponsible in this matter, has been for years and continues to be so for
which have nothing to do with the best
interests of the tax-paying citizens of this
country, and everything to do with their
own agendas in selfishly maintaining their
own "positons", at our expense. They ALL
suck to one extent or another, party
End of rant. :)
Cap'n Bob
Basic :{)