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Good Ebay seller and item

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Good Ebay seller and item
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 00:21:37 -0500
Organization: Home for the faded LBC
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1
After all the bad Ebay stories here is a good one about an item I I purchased 
on  Ebay.

                40 Hole Metal Storage Bins for Garage or Workshop


and a couple of the other bin/holders.  They got here the other day and are 
metal, made in the US, and are ~18 gage thickness.  Price was good, shipping 
was reasonable and they were new.  Can't complain I think I did good on this 
transaction.   JM2C and NFI. 

Long URL left in to annoy people and notice that there is NO virus software 
scanning this message therefore:

No scanning -> virus def not out of date  


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