"Bad politician...oxymoron", says Dave Lieb!
Apparently so to one extent or another. For
where else can you find a country spending
literally billions of dollars on homeland
security, while maintaining an "open door"
policy on our "crowded" southern border
where virtually thousands cross each month?
Don't tell me this isn't "politics" at it's very
worst considering the billions we're spending on the "War on Global Terrorism"
both here and abroad, as practiced by Muslim Extremist Fundamentalists.
If there is another "happening", don't forget it is OUR OWN POLITICIANS who's
priorities in favor of (corporate?) "politics"
rather than the security and safety of the
countries citizens that has enabled same,
to one extent or another.
Cheap labor at what price and not only in
this respect, but in the respect of fewer jobs
for those already "here", along with the
decay in wages an overabundance of labor
brings along with it....as in "when the head
of the camel enters the tent, the rest is bound to follow" (old Islamic
Cap'n Bob
Defrosting Frog