----- Original Message -----
From "Mike Aarset"Subject: 3rd gear high pitch noise
> Started noticing 3rd gear is getting a high pitch wine.
> Smooth case tranny and 948 motor.
Full of oil??
> All the other gears are fine.
> Is my tranny gunna blow up?
Maybe! Check the oil level.
> In time I hope to go with a datsun
> tranny and 1275.
Nice combo.
> If I have to replace my tranny now
> can I do a datsun tranny with a 948 motor?
Yes, some do. Pretty whimpy if the 948 is old. Ok with a hot 948.
> Out of which datsun's are the trannys that people use?
> 4speed and 5speed?
Most 5, but the small 4 is wonderful. I have one in my Morris van.
> Mike