It always comes back to auto shop 101 don't it?
Fuel in the right ratio, Compression, Spark at the right time. It's one of
those bits trust me...
The Compression seems fine.... Soooooo I'd try the late model parts swap
deal if it were in my shop... I'd swap in a new ignition system and
eliminate that as a suspect... then I'd stick on a set of carb's from one of
my projects that actually runs right... ( even if they aren't trick ) One
of those two things is going to fix the problem to some degree and your
going to eliminate the other as a source of the problem....
The deal on the carb's is if they aren't as big or bad it's like running at
part throttle... they will still work... just won't have the killer
performance... Okay we're not shooting for the moon here we just want it to
run clean for a minute and tell us that the carb's are the source of the
problem... and then I'd isolate individual carb's from there...
EGT's are a funny thing... get above 1500 and all bets are off... aluminum
gets real funny when it gets hot and SOFT... 1800 and you might as well
start finding some new pistons...
The problem with EGT's is that sometimes you get after burning of fuel in
the pipe and it screws up the EGT reading.... so be aware if you have fire
coming out of the exhaust it's effecting the reading... ( if the motor is
overly rich that's going to happen...)
Keep us posted
Keith Turk