Oh, yeah....poor Michael....don't follow
this much, but.....
methinks the life he may have led may
be catching up with him. Looks like he's
goin' down and if he did what they say he
did.....he obviously should.
But....it they can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, this guy is gonna be
more rich than ever considering the legal
number he may be in a position to do on
the county/State, whatever.
You see the outakes of this guy's performance in his initial years...what
a helluva talent. And a good lookin'
guy to boot. Can't believe he couldn't
appreciate his own self to the extent
of the physical changes he's voluntarily
made....lotta psychological damage "in"
If the charges against this guy turn out
to be true, it won't surprise me one little
Cap'n Bob
'60 Frog