I can not evaluate this 'cause I can't see it or
"feel" it. And I am not an engineer but, unlike some other cranks, the Series A
crank is carried in only 3 main bearings and
not 5, as in the case of it's Datsun varient.
This means our Series A motors are a less
"stiff" set-up in this respect to begin with.
I don't know how much effort or $$$ you
are putting into your motor nor it's state
of tune. Or how long you would like it to
last. Is there a mechanic around who is
experienced and in whom you trust in
an evaluation of this piece???
If not, then in consideration of the "pretty
beat up" comments contained in your prior
email on the subject, I personally would
spend for a new part as there is no way
you can keep an "eye on it" unless you want
to rent and strap a dwarf to the bottom of
the motor!! And then you've got the cost
of "dwarf upkeep" to consider as well,
obviously. I suppose you could add "dwarf
maintenance" (care and feeding) to the
3,000 mile lube and oil filter change
But you better check with local authorities
first, considering they've outlawed "dwarf
tossing". I'm not so sure how the authorities would view the installation of
a "watching" dwarf. <huumungous grin>
Cap'n Bob
Green (as is appropriate) Frog