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Introduction and Hardtops

To: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net iBV9vCAC017765
Subject: Introduction and Hardtops
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 09:56:20 +0000

Please let me introduce myself. I'm a Portuguese classic car fan and, apart
from other cars, I have 2 MGs: a '67 MG B Tourer  and a '74 MG Midget (1275
- RWA).

>From what I've read so far, most of the population in this list seems to be
from the USA, but I hope I can also find someone from Europe here too.

My first question to the group is on hardtops. For some time now, I've been
looking for a hardtop for my Midget but they seem to be hard to find. Now, I
found one but it comes from a '79 rubber bumper car. Can anybody please tell
me if it would fit my '74 chrome bumper car? Also, can you give me a hint on
possible hardtop sources in Europe, both new and used?

Jose Antonio Galveias
Lisbon - Portugal

'74 MG Midget (RWA)   -   '67 MG B Roadster   -   '61 Jaguar Mk II


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