If their email staff is as "helpful" as their phone staff, QUIT WHILE YOU ARE
AHEAD!!! I called them, and their reply was "send it back and make your own,
that is what we sell, if it isn't correct, too bad"
Gotta love a helpful customer service guy. Of course, maybe he used to work for
Ed Kaler. Anyone know if Ed had any employees defect to Moss??
Jay Fishbein wrote:
> I would take that as a sign.
> --
> jay fishbein
> wallingford, ct
> http://home.ix.netcom.com/~type79/ <http://home.ix.netcom.com/%7Etype79/>
> Jeff Moore wrote:
> >Cannot seem to find e-mail address
> >for Moss Motors or Victoria
> >British on either of there web
> >pages........