Brad Fornal has one in his BE. Ask and he'll send pix.
He recommended the Metro A/T one, since it is shortest.
In my 71, I must lean it even further back for my bonnet to fit.
The plastic bottom sits on the frame rails and is jammed far
forward on rubber cushions I made, but I'm scared. The bottom
hose is not fun, squeezed between steering rack and frame.
It cools great, especially with the bonnet off, regardless of
a hotted-up engine and weather over 100 degrees running hard.
CA wrecking yards tend to want $50 plus more for the electric fan.
All years seem to be the same. I plan to louvre my hood before
it goes back on - the heat has to have somewhere to go.
David McCartney / Captain Rapture
Larry & Sandi Miller wrote:
> I'm looking for a radiator for Bugzuki and thought I would check out the Geo