Thanks Frank for the answer. I never noticed before I didn't have it and
the car ran fine. Still can't figure out how the car ever did shut off
properly. The wire from the battery comes thru the firewall to an ammeter.
>From the ammeter's other post the one wire goes to the fuse block and
another to the MSD ignition unit. Don't see a circuit to the keyed switch.
I'm still looking.
I have a new complete wiring harness but I ordered it for the 948 BE. Do I
need a different harness for the 1275. I only know of one difference so far
and that is this car has an electric rear brake light switch at the dual
circuit mc. I really want to figure this problem out but I am soon gonna
rewire the whole thing with the proper harness.
Phil Nase
----- Original Message -----
From "Frank Clarici" <spritenut at>
To: "Phil Nase" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: engine ground
> Phil Nase wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me where the engine ground strap is attached on the
>> engine and chassis on a Bugeye.
> From the slave cylinder (or sometimes the lower engine/bellhousing bolt)
> to a bolt just to the right of the slave on the underside of the floor
> --
> Frank Clarici
> Toms River, NJ
> The BETTER not BIGGER Healeys