Hi, Rick...
Have extensive experience with the
Judson as utilized on daily drivers using
the large bore (1275cc) motors.
Bear in mind the makers intended this
blower for the smaller 948cc motor to
be used in conjunction with the readily
available 100+RON premium, or super premium gasolines of yesterday.
Don't bother with the Judson on a 1275
unless you can find 100+RON
automotive gasoline at reasonable prices
and can find a way to reliably overdrive
the blower to get the maker's intended
6psi boost curve to the large bore motor.
You'll get more power normally aspirated
with your present set-up than you will
with the Judson, which will only produce
a 4psi boost curve on the larger bore engine when using it's standard
crankshaft/blower pulleys.
Of course, if the blower could produce
the intended power (torque) increase
while developing only a 4psi boost curve,
the Judson Brothers (and Shorrocks)
would have produced 4psi instead of
6psi boost curves, the operative word
being "curve". What you're looking for
is basically a pound of boost for each
1,000rpm at WOT.
A 4psi boost curve does nothing for the
motor but produce a lot of unwanted
heat. A 6psi curve is like night and day
by comparison. It really works..BTDT.
Your best bet in terms of supercharging
is to invest in one of the modern kits
intended to get the job done on today's
"garbage octane" unleaded premiums.
These kits are not inexpensive however,
they include everything you need including
the properly calibrated carb. for the
specific application. You can find them
at Moss or MiniMania, both of whom have
basically copied the Hans Pederson kit
using a screw type blower, which develops far less heat than yesterday's
"miniturbine" Judson or it's British
cousin, the Shorrocks.
If you need to know more, please feel free
to contact me off-list and I will do my best
to answer any questions you may have.
And if there is something I do not know,
I will tell you I don't know...no "spin". :)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)