--- David Lieb <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com> wrote:
> performance driving, Cap'n. You are dealing with the
> limits of traction,
> braking, acceleration, cornering... Yes, it is
> slower than Road America,
Bingo, David - you are exactly right, and that's why
most people really suck at it. That's also why
Flounder does so well in the rain - he drives like a
Fangio-savant mental patient in the dry, so it's not a
big stretch in the wet when we all have to drive like
that. And I feel a lot more in control at RA drifting
through the carousel than I do in snow and ice.
Ron Soave
"Race fans, I had inferred from my one trip to the Brickyard 400, fell into one
of two categories: tattooed/shirtless/sewer-mouthed drunks, and their
husbands." - Steve Ruchin
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