Need any suggestions as to where to start with turn signals. Always on,
on one side!
Turn signals were working fine last weekend when drove bugeye to San
Diego British Car show on Sunday (friend I caravaned with verified).
Yesterday when I pulled into a dark parking structure I noticed that my
right turn signal was blinking - indicator switch was not turned to
right. Left indicator works only when switch turned, but right one
blinks all the time. As soon as I turn ignition key right side starts
I picked up a new 3-prong indicator can & replaced old original - no
improvement, same problem. Checked my manuals last night - no help, only
discuss what to check if signals not working at all.
Any suggestions as to where to start and what to look for before I begin
checking wiring? Bad switch? I'm no electrician!
Jim Rogers
San Juan Capistrano, CA
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