Oh, man...can you believe this, fellow
I've heard of getting into the wrong hole
with the other object but never the balls.
You're a strange person, Frank. Talented,
but strange, nontheless. <VBG>
Obviously, you need help here, but God
knows where Lorraine Bobbit may be
found these days. She's infamously
experienced in this particular area. Of
course, her help might be considered
"overkill" by some....I mean, she'd
probably end up destroying them, or
somethin' like that. :):)
Try a little penetrating oil than blasting
them out with air, again???
I can't believe you did this. I'm ashamed
and embarrased for both of us.....
"Frank who???" :):)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)
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