Hey Y'all,
So, this year, Peter the Parts Pimp is heading to Jolly Ol' for the
Thanksgiving weekend with Daniel Stapelton, so we're considering other
options & venues for this year's SOS.
Here's what I'd like to do...
A few years ago, I bought an engine dyno, which has resided in storage at
Elmo's Jeep dealership inn Logansport (Logantucky) IN... about an hour north
of Indianapolis. It had been used for Spirdget applications, but currently
has a Datsun 510 bellhousing set up. We can spend a day, or a half day
getting the dyno ready to run on a spridgetmotor platform. This is an old
yet reliable style of dyno. A throttle and a torque meter. You record the
torque at various RPM's and use a spreadshee to convert to HP numbers.
If you've got a race motor to test and tune, or are modifying a street
motor, and want to get an idea of a baseline, then you can bring it and
we'll make some runs. Most dyno shops charge $50 to $75 and hour for set up
time (bolting your shit to my shit) and $100 an hour for time on the dyno.
Ever see this done? After all is bolted up, (including provisions for
running your exhaust system, as it has an impact on your total power out
put) you get the motor up to temp with baseline tuning, and run it up the
rpm range. Torque figures are recorded and converted. Incremental changes
are made, say a change in timing, or a different set of jets in a Weber,
etc. and you make another run. Depending on the time, and amount of engines
to test, we could even do cylinder head swaps, etc., as we're pretty fast in
swapping this stuff out. You continue this, in a somewhat scientific manner
until optimum horespower is achieved. Then, off with your motor, and the
next one is bolted up.
We can find out who's cheatin' dog mods are really gettin' it done. You an
really develop some tuning practices that rely on documented results rather
than anectdode, best guess, or seat of the pants.
I think this would be a monumentally fun and useful weekend (we do the this
the Fri & Sat. after Thankgsgiving).
We'd once again do a FlounderVision Yahoo broadcast. I have visions of
worldwide betting taking place, viewers wagering on who's motor is likely to
make the most horsepwer, who's is likely to scatter into schrapnel, etc.
What say ye? Where else do you get free dyno time, and of course massive
amounts of good food, ridicule, and comeraderie?
Team Thicko
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