> On Jul 25, 2004, at 7:36 AM, Guy Weller wrote:
> Gotta admit, this was my reaction at first as well. But you see this
> was from the son of a fellow that was bored and raised in England. And
> confirmed by a dude that spent many a long year working on MG's in
> "Bloody Old". Now both the MG dude (more than 30 years, and some of you
> know him) and the father of the boy (who first raised the question)
> suggested that LEC "should" be correct.
If it IS up to us, Larry, I think it will stay LBC, since no one has weighed
in on your side yet.
On the other hand, let us go back to the definitive works of Michael
Flanders and Donald Swann, "At the Drop of a Hat", and their "A Song of
Patriotic Prejudice", wherein they expound upon the distinction thusly: "You
have to be very careful how you use these terms, too. The rule is: if we've
done anything good, it's 'another triumph for Great Britain' and if we
haven't, it's 'England loses again'. Have you noticed that?" Based upon this
criterion, those of us who love our Spridgets will have to agree that they
are "LBCs", and those who insist upon referring to them as :LECs" will have
exposed their lack of due respect for these cars and should be immediately
David Lieb