In a message dated 7/13/2004 10:16:42 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Actually, all these things at drive up windows and such make sense when you
hear my
story of a friend, legally blind, who was granted a driver's license to drive
in daylight over roads that were familiar to her.
I have an Uncle that, due to age and diabetes, has only peripheral vision.
He is still allowed to drive, but only within the city limits of Holland, TX.
Robert Houston
Texan in New Mexico
Check out the Declaration of Independence! You think it promises happiness?
No no no, it talks about the "pursuit of happiness." The PURSUIT! We've become
a nation of wimps! We think we're entitled to everything, we want to legislate
ourselves into some cozy little cocoon. Well, forget it, Nature Boy. There
are no guarantees. Life is nasty, brutish, and short.Jeff Melvoin, Northern
Exposure, Bolt from the Blue, 1994